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Featured Products for Cotton

Applaud Insecticide

Applaud Inseccticide

Applaud insecticide provides effective control on hard-to-kill sucking pests while having no effect on most beneficial insects. Applaud is registered for the control of cotton mealybug and silverleaf whitefly in cotton.

Transform Isoclast active Insecticide

Transform Isoclast active Insecticide

Transform WG insecticide is perfect for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Transform does not flare silverleaf whiteflies or mites and its softness to beneficials (predators and parasitoids) makes it a great option for use early in the season and in systems which rely on beneficial insects to help control pests.



With its antioxidant properties, Bio-Forge® works to maintain the genetic potential of plants, improve growth, and increase yield in Cotton crops.



MOVER is a blend of micronutrients specifically made for broadacre cropping, to boost key nutrients during the vegetative phase. It is Roundup Ready compatible, and tank mixable with most fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. Current trials have shown that Zinc and Boron increase the number of bolls & seed yield, as well as increased boll weight and fibre quality in cotton. It is also beneficial to use pre flowering (squaring) to ensure that the pollen is viable to improve boll set.


Cotton Integrated Solutions

Cotton Integrated Solutions

Learn more about our IPM compatible, sustainable products for the Australian cotton industry.

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Transform WG Cotton Tech note

Transform WG - Cotton Tech note

Transform WG with Isoclast active is a systemic insecticide with a novel mode of action for controlling sap-feeding insects. Transform WG controls aphids, solenopsis mealy bug, rutherglen bug, mirids and white flies in cotton. 

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Utrisha N

Introducing a revolution in plant health

A step change is coming for plant health, sustainability, and yield, with Corteva Agriscience introducing its new range of biologicals to market in Australia, beginning with a product which allows plants to access nitrogen out of thin air.

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A blend of micronutrients for broadacre cropping. Ideal for cotton, canola, legumes and other grains.

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ClearStart Range for Broadacre

ClearStart has been developed to make sure phosphorus, potassium and zinc, as well as calcium (ClearStart® 15KZ+N), are available for early root growth and healthy crop establishment, particularly under dry conditions at planting.

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NERO improves soil health, triggers the plant to promote root growth and drives pollination.

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Mover Cotton Technote

Mover Cotton Technote

Learn more about Mover Micronutrient Blend. A Nutritional tool for maximising quality, yield and profitability in cotton.

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For the control of various pests in citrus crops, grapes, pears, persimmons, custard apples, passionfruit and mango among others.


Plant Performance

A unique soil treatment that is effective in opening soils and releasing salts from the soil structure. Aqua-Cal can reduce soil EC and works best where soil is able to drain in order to relocate sodium from the roots.


Plant Performance

Bio-Forge® is a unique patented nutrient formulation from Corteva Agriscience containing Diformylurea, for stress mitigation in plants. With its antioxidant properties, Bio-Forge can help in maintaining the genetic potential of plants, improving growth, and increasing yield in a variety of agricultural crops.


Plant Performance

Applied as a foliar spray over flowering and fruit sizing, Bio-Hold can help to promote strong flowering and pollination in the face of adverse conditions. Bio-Hold will provide plant nutrition to promote strong flowering, sizing and production.

ClearStart 15KZ+N

Plant Performance

ClearStart 15KZ+N increases the availability of phosphorus so it is easily taken up by the roots, root hairs and mycorrhizal fungi to support growth. Healthy early growth is essential to maximise the yield potential of a crop

ClearStart 22KZ

Plant Performance

ClearStart 22KZ contains a highly available source of phosphorous essential for maintaining a healthy root system and encouraging early growth. It's low pH formulation means it is safe to apply in furrow, and helps create an environment around roots to help plants access labile and non-labile forms of phosphorous as well as other tied up elements.

Cropping Zinc

Plant Performance

Cropping Zinc is a highly efficient, readily available chelated nutrient that will support your crop in producing greater yields, from seedling to top up applications, mid-season through irrigation and foliar sprays.


Plant Performance

Foli-Zyme is applied to horticultural & broadacre crops to enhance early growth or to restore healthy growth after a stress event. It is a complete remedy for stress relief with a unique nutrient combination containing patented Co-Factor additives.

Foliar Plus

Plant Performance

Foliar Plus is a unique formulation that generates an immediate response and aids root growth, crop yield and quality. Foliar Plus contains a high analysis of NPK and micronutrients which is beneficial where soil nutrients are low.

Liquid K

Plant Performance

Liquid K is a foliar fertilizer that provides potassium during critical periods for a crop. The application of Liquid K assists in bulking the fruit leading to increased yield. Using Liquid K will also make fruit taste sweeter.

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