WL Magnesium Chelate

  • Plant Performance

Magnesium Chelate is an essential element for healthy plant processes.


Magnesium Chelate is a highly efficient readily available chelated nutrient that can support your crop in producing greater yields, from seedling to top up applications, mid-season through irrigation and foliar sprays.


Magnesium is a critical element for photosynthesis and helps the plant’s metabolic process. It also acts as a phosphorus carrier which is essential for plant growth and influences root formation.


Chelating agents such as phenolic acid chelate hold onto trace elements and stop them from binding to other trace elements. The result is called a chelate.


Backed by 50 years of research and field testing our unique chelating technology enhances nutrient uptake, with lower pH. The proven efficiency of our own phenolic acid chelate ensures efficient absorption by plant roots, leaves and tissue with wide compatibility.


Magnesium Chelate is compatible with a wide range of crops.    

Application Method









Boom Spray

Boom Spray

Technical Specifications

  • Formulations

    Mg 5, S 5

  • Packaging

    20L, 200L, 1000L


Broadacre Cropping

Field Crops


Cucumber, Greenhouse (Cucumis sativus var. sativus)


Features & Benefits

Fully chelated trace elements with Stoller’s Phenolic Acid

Easily taken in because of the low energy needed to digest the nutrient

Organic substance with a low salt index

Highly available nutrients

Additional Resources

Responsive Card

Horticultural Plant Performance Product Guide

This Guide is designed to provide you with an overview of the Plant Health Product Range, (including Crop Empowerment Products) with most products manufactured in Australia and available locally.

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Responsive Card

Make Your Fertiliser Count

Plants need nutrients in a form they can absorb. Using chelates can increase trace element uptake and fertiliser use efficiency.

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Responsive Card

Maximising Pasture Performance

Plant Performance programs consist of treatments to minimise the impact of stress, thereby facilitating the expression of a plant’s full genetic potential.

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Responsive Card

WL Chelate in Broadacre

A plant requires adequate nutrition to achieve early growth and ultimately maximise yield potential. The WL Chelate range will provide the trace elements needed to achieve this.

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Responsive Card

WL Chelates in Trees & Vines

A plant requires adequate nutrition and growth co-factors to achieve early vigour and ultimately yield potential. The WL Chelate range will provide the trace elements needed to achieve this.

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Responsive Card

Seedcoat Correct your deficiency

Plant Performance Cropping range is the best way to place a known concentration of trace element direct to the seed.

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Responsive Card

Table Grapes - Solutions for Iron Deficiency

Picking Up Production - Managing Iron Deficiency/ Lime-induce chlorosis in Table Grapes. Plant Performance products were used to address iron deficiency caused by waterlogging and high soil pH in Pat Vartuli’s vineyard. Learn more about remarkable results.

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Responsive Card

Solutions for Sugarcane

To ensure that our Solutions for Sugarcane increase quality, quantity and return on investment, we have undertaken countless in-field trials with proven results. 

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Responsive Card

Sugarcane Plant Performance Planting Guide

Practical research for sustainable sugarcane production.

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Responsive Card

Plant Performance Product Manual

This manual is designed to provide you with an overview of the Plant Performance Product range, (including Crop Empowerment Products) with most products manufactured in Australia and available locally.

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