
  • Plant Performance

Nutri-pHLow contains high levels of available phosphorus and additional nitrogen that will support a crop throughout its life cycle. Nutri-pHLow is a multinutrient product that can help root growth, crop yield and quality. It is a soil treatment for a range of crops and can be used up until harvest. Nutri-pHLow contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other micronutrients.​


Phosphorus is a critical nutrient for healthy root growth – helping your plants establish a strong root system will increase yield and quality at harvest. Additional nitrogen is essential for plant growth used in chlorophyll and the process of photosynthesis. This means increased uptake of phosphorus along with all other nutrients, leading to outstanding fertilizer efficiency.

Application Method



Soil Drench




Technical Specifications

  • Formulations

    N 3, P 15, K 2.5, Zn 0.5, Mg 0.5, Fe 0.3, Mn 0.25, Cu 0.1, B 0.1, Mo 0.002, Co 0.002

  • Packaging

    20L, 200L, 1000L


Broadacre Cropping

Field Crops


Cucumber, Greenhouse (Cucumis sativus var. sativus)


Features & Benefits

Will aid root growth, and crop yield and quality

Additional Resources

Responsive Card

Horticultural Plant Performance Product Guide

This Guide is designed to provide you with an overview of the Plant Health Product Range, (including Crop Empowerment Products) with most products manufactured in Australia and available locally.

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Responsive Card

Post Harvest Grapes

The post-harvest period provides an opportunity to replace nutrients removed during the production period, to condition the soil and to ensure that the reserves are returned to the roots and storage tissue ready for healthy spring growth.

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Responsive Card

Post Harvest - Trees & Vines

The post-harvest period provides an opportunity to replace nutrients removed during the production period, to condition the soil and to ensure that the reserves are returned to the roots and storage tissue ready for healthy spring growth.

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Responsive Card

Plant Performance Product Manual

This manual is designed to provide you with an overview of the Plant Performance Product range, (including Crop Empowerment Products) with most products manufactured in Australia and available locally.

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